A Review Of Impaired Fat Metabolism In Diabetes: Mechanistic Approach
Type-2 diabetes and obesity are important health problems in the modern world. Diet alternation such high fat in the modern lifestyle strongly associated with type-2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, stroke, and coronary artery disease has reached an alarming rate, and its accompanying metabolic disorders are extremely harmful to human health. Adipose tissue plays a central role in regulating whole-body energy and controls the lipid mobilization and distribution in the body also storage of neutral TGs in adipocytes increases the lipid droplet size, which results in adipose expansion and subsequent obesity. Obesity is also associated with impaired mitochondrial function. Fat excess favours the production of malonyl-CoA, which reduces GLUT4 efficiency. Increased fatty acid flux causes defect in glucose transport by inhibiting insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) and reducing IRS-1 associated phosphatidyl-inositol 3-kinase activity that implicates other insulin signaling components downstream of the insulin signaling cascade. A number of various metabolic abnormalities may increase intra-myocellular or intrahepatic carboxylic acid metabolites that induce the disease state of insulin resistance through variety of various cellular mechanismst hat have been suggested to be strongly associated with insulin-resistant states such as obesity and type-2-diabetes.
Fat metabolism, type-2 diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity
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