The Concepts of Biomimetics In Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
The idea to preserve and simulate the dental tissues has inspired the development of biomimetic dentistry. Biomimetics is the field of study that attempts to design systems and synthesise materials through biomimicry. Ottoschmit coined the term Biomimetics. Enormous research in molecular biology, engineering, mathematics and chemistry have contributed in bringing the life-like copies of tissues in the form of materials.
The objective behind the discovery of the biomimetic materials is to provide a conservative, strong and attractive approach of bringing the functional, biological and esthetic results. Regeneration of the dental tissues might be possible in near future.
The quest to find a material with properties similar to tooth structure is still on with advances like biodentine and MTA. Regeneration of pulp-dentin complex, development of salivary glands, mineralisation and remineralisation of mineral containing tissues of tooth, utilisation of stem cells for therapeutic measures and root canal revascularization are all being probed and performed with recombination of genes and various engineered materials. Bioengineered tooth remains the most exciting concept. The world over time has proven all that remains constant is the change. The need of the hour is a visionary, technical and multidisciplinary scientific approach that strengthens the concept further.
Biomimetics; dentistry; life-like; biomimicry; restoration; regeneration
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