A rare case report on post tuberculosis sequelae with right ventricular failure in young adult and the positive impact of cardio-pulmonary rehabilitation on functional independence.
Chronic respiratory diseases are the world’s fourth leading cause of non-communicable disease fatalities and raise a specific challenge to low and middle-income countries with risk factors for respiratory dysfunction including in-utero and early childhood malnutrition, acute respiratory infection, indoor biomass fuel exposure, increased smoking prevalence. India has the highest burden of both tuberculosis (TB) and multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB based on estimates reported in the Global TB Report 2016. In the present report 26-year-old male, known case of Post TB Sequelae with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension admitted to a respiratory ward with complain of acute exacerbation of symptoms, difficulty in basic ADLS, and repeated hospitalizations for same. A structured exercise program has proven to be beneficial in improving exercise capacity, functional activities, and psychological status. At the end of 15 days, the patient expects to get better sleep at night that is for at least two hours at a stretch with a decreased number of awakenings due to cough and shortness of breath.Energy conservation through pacing and pursed-lip breathing, interval exercise training based on RPE and vitals within an acceptable range, use of airway clearance devices like acapella, and motivation has a positive effect on the achievement of a goal. This present report explains the functional and Psychological improvement after supervised tailored and unsupervised home-based exercise programs in a patient with post TB sequelae with right ventricular hypertrophy and pulmonary hypertension on Long term oxygen therapy.
Post tuberculosis sequelae, Right ventricular failure, Functional independence, Physiotherapy.
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