Community Based Cross Sectional Study on the Prevalence of Reproductive Tract Infections among Rural Women in Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu
Reproductive tract infection are endemic among the developing countries and common among females specifically
in the reproductive age group. The sequalae of this lead to infertility .The main reason behind the high prevalence
was found to be the lack of awareness about the disease and the stigma towards the disease. This work focuses
assess the prevalence of reproductive tract infection and the health seeking behavior about reproductive tract
infection among rural women in reproductive age group in kancheepuram district. The community based cross
sectional study was conducted in the rural field practice area of Chettinad hospital and research institute, during
the period march 2016 to may 2017. Sample size taken was 330 and the sample size was arrived by multi stage
random sampling and population proportion to size. Data was collected using a standardized questionnaire of
DLHS- 4 on RTI / STI. Data entered in MS-EXCEL and analyzed using SPSS version 21 and results interpreted. The
prevalence of RTI was found to be 50.3% with majority (61.3%) of them in the age group 28-37 years, 52.85 among
females living with spouse and 57.9% from hindu community. The prevalence was high among the lower middle
class and nuclear family. The commonest symptom being vulval itching with 36.3% and least being boils with 0.9%.
90.3% had knowledge about the disease. 60.8% of the affected females perceived treatment with majority of them
in the group followed home remedies. Significant association was noted between the RTI and the menstrual
hygiene practices and the socio economic status (p- <0.05). The prevalence was high among the rural females and
the main reason behind it being the stigma and the lack of awareness in addition to the choice of treatment. Health
education using various sources should be provided to get rid of these issues.
RTI, reproductive age group, females, menstrual hygiene, symptoms of RTI.
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