Fine Motor Development in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder in Indian Context
Children with developmental coordination disorder have problem in executing motor tasks that demands the coordinated use of extremities. They experience frequent failure in academics and their stay at the same grade for long years results in drop out from primary schools. Frequent bullying from peer group children further de-motivates the child to participate in social interaction. Majority of children with DCD discontinue from their primary school as the result of difficulties in motor coordination tasks. Failure in academics is because of poor handwriting skill and the domain where the child needs attention and repeated practice is in fine motor skill execution. The most important skill to be developed for children with DCD is fine motor development as children frequently uses their hands and relies on hands for all the activities of daily living skills and fine motor control is essential to execute the basic needs of children with DCD. They experience difficulty in opening a box and difficulty with grasping a pencil or crayon for coloring tasks. However without repeated practice attempts and difficulties, typically developing peer group children performs the activities of daily living easily and without any assistance. Children with DCD often compare themselves with the typically developing children in academics and sports. The current study was designed to determine the method involved for fine motor skill development for children with DCD, the research design used is case study design and the results of the study suggests the tasks that enhances the fine motor skill development for children .
Fine motor skill, Developmental coordination disorder, visual perception, bilateral integration, primary school children
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