Training program on eye-hand coordination for a child with developmental coordination disorder: single case study
Children with Developmental coordination disorder exhibits difficulty in performing the motor tasks correctly without any help. They have established difficulty in planning, sequencing and executing the tasks which demands the motor coordination ability. The task which was easily executed by the peer group children of same age needs repeated practice to be executed perfectly by the children with DCD. Poor visual perceptual ability is the hurdle for executing fine motor and gross motor tasks and there is a need for individualized training sessions and rehabilitation guidelines for children with motor coordination difficulties. Each child with DCD is unique on their own and they have established difficulties in performing activities of daily living skill that demands motor coordination ability. The purpose of the study was to measure the level of hand-eye coordination ability and the effects of treatment programmes for a child with DCD. Without a gold standard assessment tool to easily identify the children as DCD, therapist was forced to be in a situation of using more than one assessment methods to confidently identify the children with developmental coordination disorder. We propose this single case study on hand-eye coordination assessment as a part of the tool construction regime and further experimental studies are warranted to quantitatively identify the effects of training programme among children with DCD in Indian context.
Hand-eye coordination, Developmental coordination disorder, Ball throwing and catching, Motor coordination
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