Fiber Intake, Fluid Intake and Defecation Habits of Pregnant Women in Indonesia
Defecation habits had an impact on the health of the mother and the fetus. Not specific, use clearer word like
irregular defecation habits were caused by the less fiber and fluid intake that interferes the process of digestion, one
of the problems is the occurrence of constipation. This study used cross sectional design. Samples were conducted
from the second-trimester pregnant women in a Public Health Center, Boyolali Indonesia as many as 176 people, by
simple random sampling. The data of fiber and fluid intake were obtained three days by interview using food recall
24-hours form. The data of defecation habits were measured by answering the questionnaire about pattern of
defecation. The statistical test used was the rank Spearman correlation test. The subjects classified as having less fiber
intake were 52.3%, as having adequate fluid intake were 88.6% and as having repetitive, use excellent instead
defecation habits were 68.2%. There is a correlation between fiber intake and defecation habits of pregnant women
(p=0.024) and there is a correlation between fluid intake and defecation habits of pregnant women (p=0.007). The
suggestion from this research, there is a need to increase the fiber intake of pregnant women to reduce the risk of
lousy defecation habits on pregnant women.
Defecation Habits, Fiber Intake, Fluid Intake, and Pregnant Women
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