Phyto Pharmacognostical standardization and Physicochemical characterization of Sanseiveria suffruitcosa N.E.Br.leaves
Background : Traditional medicine has used Sanseveria suffruiticosa N. E. Br. as an important source of natural medicines for the treatment of variety of diseases. Recent studies found that these are the rich reservoir of antitumor entities.
Objective: To study phytochemical and pharmacognostic standards for assuring the effectiveness, safety, and purity of Sanseveria suffruiticosa N. E. Br.leaves.
Method: The powdered sample was assessed for various parameters, including macroscopic and microscopic characteristics, physical, chemical and phytochemical analysis, utilising established methodologies.
Result:To ascertain the macro- and microscopical characteristics as well as the physical constants of plant, the study was conducted on fresh, powdered, and anatomical sections of the leaves. The leaves are stiff, cylindrical, and up to thirty centimeters tall on the outside. Fragile, offset branches bear milky white tubular blooms that have a subtle scent. The microscopic characterisation revealed that the epidermis of the leaf is composed of a single layer with a thick cuticle; the cells are shaped like squares or ovals, and the mesophyll is
separated into water-storage tissue and chlorenchyma. In addition to having many dead cells, the waterstorage tissue has a densely branching network of living cells. The vascular bundles in leaves feature a welldeveloped sclerenchyma cap, tetracytic type stomata, and amphistomatic characteristics. Studies on the different extracts showed the presence of flavonoids, phenolics, alkaloids, and tannins. These findings may help establish some diagnostic indices for the plant's identification and monograph preparation.
Sanseveria suffruticosa
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