Tissue culture of Dendrobium orchids and its application in capacity building in Uttarakhand
Dendrobiums are one of the most popular orchids genus that produces a wide range of beautiful blossoms. Cut flowers and potted plants of Dendrobium are in high demand in both domestic and foreign markets. A well-established orchid industry has boosted the economies of several countries. The Western Himalayan range in India is abundant in orchid genetic resources. However, the country's natural orchid riches, as well as that of this region, has yet to be wisely harnessed and managed in order to reap economic benefits. Furthermore, unless scientific conservation and effective utilisation methods are followed, the majority of the valuable orchid wealth will be lost. It is important to use tissue culture technologies for mass production and conservation of valuable orchid varieties in this scenario. The conditions are ideal for orchid production in Uttarakhand, and efforts should be made to establish an orchid centre in the state. Once work on mass multiplication is undertaken on a broad scale and women's participation in orchid production is promoted, this will serve as a source of revenue and job prospects for poverty reduction. The tissue culture systems will ensure a large quantity of high-quality orchid plant material, which can then be sent to farmers for cultivation, along with proper technical support and the development of effective marketing linkages.
Dendrobium, tissue culture, mass production, floriculture, income generation
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