Role of Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine in the Management of Life Threatening Pandemic Covid-19
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) shall be defined as the illness caused by a novel strain of coronavirus referred to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), that was initially identified among an outburst of respiratory illness in Wuhan City of China. Lacuna in control measures, in addition to the rapid morbidity and mortality rate made the researchers worldwide to quench in thirst of appropriate control measures to fight against this deadliest disease. WHO declared this as a global health emergency. At present none of the drugs or biological agents were available to combat the COVID-19. In the meanwhile, several antiviral agents, vaccines and immunotherapies were being investigated and under developmental clinical trials to enforce as a potential therapy. It’s not an easy task to find out an applicable therapeutic agent to compete COVID-19 infection. The imperative need for treatment measures under such pandemic conditions probably complicate the elucidation and confirmation of possible outcomes even if the clinical trial data are applicably collected, documented, recorded and controlled. At this juncture, it is quite surprising that the Quinine derivatives were already proven and widely being administered owing to its anti-viral activity specifically against the malarial infections and most coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-1, has harbored the attention of research community. Even several studies were ongoing to find out the efficacy of this well-worn drug against the COVID-19. This review article was focused on the constructive uses of Quinine derivatives to combat the life-threatening disease.
Chloroquine; Hydroxychloroquine; SARS-CoV-2 ; Coronavirus, Management of COVID-19.
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