Phyto-pharmacognostical standardization with HPTLC fingerprinting of root and stem of Pothos scandens L.
Background: Pothos scandens L., an epiphytic climber of family Araceae, is an unexplored medicinal plant in Ayurveda, being traditionally used in the Kerala, West Bengal and Karnataka. Different parts of the plant have been reported for the management of wound, diarrhoea, bone fracture, cuts, sores and abscesses etc.
Material and methods: P. scandens was collected from Cochin, Kerala, during the month of August 2019 and its root and stem were studied for macroscopic, microscopic, physic-chemical, secondary metabolites screening and qualitative and quantitative HPTLC following standard protocol recommended by the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India.
Result: Root is adventitious, irregular and cylindrical. Transverse section of root showed lignified rectangle shaped epiblema cells, single layer of endodermis, pericyclic fibre are beneath the endodermis, intraxylary pitting xylem vessels and centrally located pith. TS through stem showed, thick lignified rounded to squares shaped epidermal cell, cortex parenchyma cells containing prismatic and cluster crystal, vascular bundle distributed in two whorls. Physicochemical parameters including moisture content, ash value and extractive value of root and stem powder had been identified. Qualitative standardization and HPTLC fingerprinting of phytochemical revealed the presence of various root and stem secondary metabolites. These variables are useful which will distinguish the powdered drug material.
Conclusion: The present findings will be useful in establishing pharmacognostic and phytochemical standards for identification, as well as assessment of purity and quality of this plant, which definitely gaining the relevance in plant drug research and establishment of plant monograph.
Anukta dravya, HPTLC, macroscopy, microscopy, phytochemical, Pothos scandens, wound healing
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