Criminal Personality: From Formation To “Passes to Act” From the Perspective of Crime Psychology
The global developments occurred in different areas led to the change of values and transformations in different aspects of human behavior and as a result, abnormal and criminal behaviors, and causes and factors influencing it. researchers of relevant sciences have sought to present appropriate solutions for reduction and prevention from the criminal behaviors through study of these transformations. In criminal law and criminology, one of the main element of crime is the existence of mental element (mens rea), or in other words, having criminal capacity for impose of the criminal liability as regards those who commit criminal behaviors. So recognizing of this phenomenon and expression of its features and factors will be very important. In this regard, since the main subject of the criminal behavior is the “human person”, criminology by advantage of the new data of psychology, as the science of “study of personality, behavior, and human mental processes”, particularly its methodology “psychoanalysis”, attempted to investigate this issue. Therefore, while identifying the unconscious motives inside the individual, attempt to provide an analysis of the personality of the offender, to know the process of formation of the criminal personality and the mental states of the offender in committing of crime and other relevant effective causes and factors of it. To this end, in the present study, with a Descriptive and analytical methods, and seeking to take advantage of the psychology of ?crime, ?an attempt to investigate the Concept of Personality, the process of formation of ?the ?criminal personality?, and some related approaches, theories, and evolutionary ?course ?from potentially to act. ?also, causes and factors affecting it, including influential ??psychological factors, So that can take steps to reduce crime by taking both deterrence and ??preventive measures, as well as to eliminate the gaps and ambiguities in the criminal justice systems.
Criminal Behavior, Psychology, Criminal Personality, Mental Disorder, Criminal intent
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