Studies on Anti Oxidative stress activity of Hemidesmus indicus root extract in Wistar rats
Chronic exposure to copper chloride and calcium fluoride induced toxic effects in the hippocampus and
cerebral cortex of rats have been studied in this work. The Hemidesmus indus extract has been able to reduce
copper chloride and calcium fluoride toxicity in these two brain regions in rats. Copper and calcium fluoride
have also created free radicals, resulting in higher levels of neuronal lipid peroxidation and a decrease in the
enzyme and non-enzyme components of the antioxidant. Since oxidative stress and cognitive dysfunction are
strongly correlated, antidementia agents that modulate reactive oxygen species can potentially be useful. In
addition to memory retention, the administration of Hemidesmus indius extract was found to improve the
oxidative damage caused by chronic copper chloride and calcium fluoride management. The treatment of
hemidesmus indicus extract also attenuated the decrease in aluminum-treated rats' anti-oxidant enzymes, such
as Superoxide dismutase, catalase, GST, GR and GP activity. However, Hemidesmus indicus extract showed a
protective effect against neurotoxicity induced by copper chloride and calcium fluoride. Hemidesmus indus
extract may have this protetive effect due to the radical activity of scavenger, which maintains an adequate
degree of antioxidant defense against copper chloride and calcium fluoride neurotoxicity, not enzymatic. The
present study therefore points out that Hemidesmus indicus points to an improved comportemental and
biochemical extract function in the brain treated with copper chloride and calcium fluoride. This effect may be
partially associated with its antioxidant characteristics.
Hemidesmus indicus, Oxidative stress, Catalase, SOD, GST, Wistar rats
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