Impact of Augmented Reality Education on Students Interactivity
The study was conducted to determine the impact of augmented reality education on students’ concept
perception, involvement towards studies and interactivity over traditional education. For the study,the
longitudinal research design was adopted. The data was collected through structures questionnaire from 48
students in an engineering class from a university. The study result indicates that the Factors and variables
considered are reliable for futuristic research. Also, it was found that there is significant difference perception,
involvement and interactivity for traditional teaching approach and augmented reality-based teaching approach.
Furthermore, the estimated mean value is greater for Augmented reality-based Teaching compared to
traditional teaching. This indicates the Augmented reality-based Teaching is providing better perception,
involvement and interactivity over traditional teaching approach.Also, it was interpreted that as the
interactivity increases the involvement and perception increases significantly. Hereby, augmented reality
education is found to be the better option over traditional education, also interactivity with augmented reality
will significantly increase the students’ perception and involvement into the education.
Augmented Reality Teaching Approach, Perception, involvement and interactivity
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