Exploring The Students’ Anger Control In Al-Qur’an And The Psychology Of Islamic Education(A Case Study On Private Higher Education Students At Jepara Indonesia)
There are at least four innate or innate emotions that humans have, namely: happiness, sadness, fear, and anger. One of the emotions that is difficult to accept and difficult to express is the emotion of anger. Anger is an emotion caused by something annoying. This research is a descriptive study using a survey method. The research subjects are 60 students of private university students at Jepara regency Indonesia. The students are working on their thesis in Jepara. The research instrument is in the form of a questionnaire revealing the ability of students to manage anger with the approach of the Koran and Islamic educational psychology, which is divided into five aspects, reading ta’awudz (asking name of Allah SWT), relaxing (switching positions), being silent (holding back or preventing anger), performing ablution, and carrying out two cycles of sunnah prayer. The categorization of the students’ ability working on final paper in managing anger is very high, high, moderate, low, very low. The results showed that there were 11 (17.7%) students classified as very capable (very high) managing their anger, 37 (59.6%) students classified as capable (high) managing their anger, 10 (16.1%) students classified as moderate able (moderate) to manage anger, 4 (6, 4%) students who were classified as less capable (low) managed their anger, no (0%) students who were classified as very less capable (very low) managed their emotions.
anger, control, psychology, Islam
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