Dose Early Detection of Hypertension through the Early Detection of Hypertension Program or Inclusion of Mobile Communication Improve Hypertension Outcomes in the Attendees of Primary Healthcare Centers in Najaf Governorate
Hypertension fortunately has early asymptomatic stage, so it can be detected by early detecting, screening diagnosing tests, this will improve the clinical outcome of patient with high blood pressure and prevent its complications(1). Iraqi Survey for chronic non communicable diseases risk factors at 2006 showed the prevalence of hypertension in age group (25-65)years was 40.4% which is more in male than female with evident increase in 45y and over(2). The hypertension regarded as one of the main risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, renal diseases, storks with disabilities, and arise in the costs of health care(3). The proper management of people with hypertension actually associated with 40% decrease the risk of stroke and 15% decrease risk of ischemic heart disease.
Raising awareness about the importance of early detection of hypertension program in the primary health care centers and its significance on the future effects upon the body general health. This study highlighted on the follow up of patients diagnosed as hypertensive by early detection of non communicable diseases program applied in primary health care centers and the impact of using the telemonitoring technique on the compliance and the adherence of the hypertensive patients to the follow up visits.
This interventional study included 27 primary health centers chosen randomly, designed to include all patients attended to primary health care centers at a period extending from the begging of January to the end of March, aged 20 years and above, all diagnosed patients subjected to a questionnaire paper designed for this purpose after an oral consent had been taken, excluding the previously diagnosed patients, hypertension during pregnancy and persons below 20 years old according to the guide line. Every patient given a management plan according to the program and followed up by mobile phone via the studypersonnelfor30, 60 and 90 days respectively.
The number of patients having elevated blood pressure at the screening visit was 1132 from total clients of 13456 giving 8.4%as detection rate. From this rate only 6.71% diagnosed as hypertensive at the second diagnostic visit without intervention. The attendance rate of patients at the follow up visits after mobile intervention was 26.31%that was much higher with statistical significance (p <0.005). There was significant difference in the level of blood pressure at the follow up visits from the base line measurement and great association with mobile telemonitoring.
There was a great impact of telemonitoring as interventional way on improvement of blood pressure outcome.
Primary Healthcare, Detection of Hypertension, Mobile Communication.
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