Quality by Design Approach For Formulation Optimization of Ethosomal Vesicular Carrier of Curcumin
The objective of this research is to explore the feasibility of factorial design in designing a novel ethosomal carrier based on Phosphatidyl choline and ethanol for skin application of curcumin in antifungal treatment. In dermal application the curcumin has many applications such as, anticancer, antioxidant, antiviral, antitumoral, and antimicrobial activities. When taken orally curcumin suffers from various problems such as its low bioavailability and less solubility in different mediums. so our research focuses on finding an alternative approach for the better therapeutic response of curcumin. We have decided to formulate ethanol based vesicular systems like ethosome for effectual skin delivery. During the formualation various variables effects the formulation of vesicles. Therefore a 32 factorial design was utilized for selecting the variable levels and for obtaining the desired responses from the experimental trial. During optimization two factors were characterized each at three different levels (low, medium and high) and experimental runs were performed on designed nine combinations using the Design-Expert® software (Version 12.0.0, Stat-Ease Inc., Minneapolis, USA). Cold method is used for preparation of ethosomes and charterized through vesicle size analysis, percent drug entrapment efficiency and zeta potential by experimental design. After optimization formulation of ethosome was carried by using 2 % w/v Phospatidylcholine and 47.97 % Ethanol. The planned drug loaded ethosomes demonstrate a vesicle size of 148.278 nm and entrappment capability of 94.36% Experimental results suggests that the ethosomes could be an competent system for skin delivery of curcumin in the treatment of fungal infections.
Curcumin, Ethosomes, factorial design, Optimization, Quality by design, Vesicular.
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