Pathomorphological characteristics of the vaginal mucosa in experimental notspecific vaginitis and various methods of treatment
Relevance. Nonspecific infections occur in a wide age range, so, at a young age, the main contributing causes of the development of nonspecific colpitis. Turmeric oil and copper chelate have high therapeutic efficacy, good patient tolerance and the formation of collagen and elastin in the vagina. Purpose of the study: To assess the pathomorphological characteristics of the vaginal mucosa and various methods of treatment in experimental nonspecific vaginitis. Materials and research methods. To carry out the experimental stage of the study, 40 rabbits were used: in 30 rabbits, nonspecific vaginitis was reproduced by introducing a tampon with a 10% solution of silver nitrate into the vagina of an experimental animal and its exposure for 5 minutes. A morphological study was carried out to assess the effectiveness of new domestic vaginal suppositories (turmeric oil in a copper chelate complex). Research results. In the main group of rabbits treated with the drug (turmeric oil in a copper chelate complex), morphological examination of the vaginal wall showed uneven hyperkeratosis, horny brushes in the epithelium, stratified squamous epithelium with acanthosis, the basement membrane was unevenly thinned. The stratified squamous epithelium of the vaginal mucosa is thinned, in the stroma there is an accumulation of small cystic cavities, the inner wall is lined with a single-layer squamous epithelium. The fibrous stroma is rich in blood vessels and glandular cells. Conclusions. After treatment, the highest effect of action was shown in the 1st group with the use of turmeric with copper chelate, where the mucous membrane of the wall was characterized by a rapid regenerative process, uneven acanthosis and thinning of the epithelium, cystic changes in the stroma, blood vessels and glands are preserved. All the revealed pathomorphological changes in the wall in the comparison groups indicate the insufficient effectiveness of the drugs used in comparison with the methodology of the 1st group and the control group.
turmeric oil, copper chelate, vaginal suppositories, experimental vaginitis.
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