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IJPR 9[3] July - September 2017 Special Issue

July - September 9[3] 2017

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Awareness on Cataract Among Elderly Women- A Survey

Abstract: Age-related eye disease is often considered part of natural aging. Lack of awareness of eye conditions can result in missed treatment. Cataract is a progressive disease that can only be treated by surgery. Symptoms include cloudy or blurry vision, colours looking faded or yellowing, light and glare sensitivity, seeing “halos” around lights, poor night vision, etc.The study setting was a university setup , held at Saveetha dental College and Hospital. A cross sectional study was conducted on 100 patients on awareness on cataract among elderly women, who visited Saveetha dental college and hospital. The internal validity of the study was carried out by analysing awareness on cataract among elderly women .The external validity was homogenization and replication of the experiment.A survey software was used to reduce sampling bias. Repeated answers or questions were avoided. Data collection was done using a self structured questionnaire consisting of 10 questions. Google forms were used to collect the data and circulate among the patients. Variables such as age were also collected. Data was assessed based on these variables. After tabulation using MS Excel, the data was exported to IBM SPSS software [Version 19: IBM Corporation NY USA] for statistical analysis.The ethical approval for the retrospective study was obtained from the institutional ethics board.(SDC/SIHEC/2020/DIASDATA/0619-0320.)Out of the total sample of 100 patients it was observed that majority of the women below and equal to 40 years of age wore spectacles (n=26;41.3%) when compared to other age groups 40-50 years (n=24;38.1%), 50 years and above (n=13;20.6%)Pearson’s Chi square value=0.056; df=2; p-value: 0.972 (p>0.05); hence statistically not significant. It was observed that majority of the women about 40-50 years of age group had blurred vision because of cataract(n=17;39.5%), less or equal to 40 years(n=17;39.5%) and above 50 years of age group (n=9;20.9%)Pearson’s Chi square value=0.189; df=2; p-value: 0.910 (p>0.05); hence statistically not significant.It was observed that majority of the women below and equal to 40 years of age were aware about the consequences of not taking proper medication and surgery might lead to losing of eye sight. (n=28;45.2%) when compared to other age groups, 40-50 years (n=25;40.3%) and 50 years and above (n=9;14.5%)Pearson’s Chi square value=0.373; df=2; p-value: 0.215 (p>0.05); hence statistically not significant.It was observed that majority of the women between the age of 40 -50 years were aware that cataract might burst if not taken proper care(n=18;41.9%) when compared to other age groups,less that or equal to 40 years (n=16;37.2%) and greater than 50 years of age group (n=9;20.9%)Pearson’s Chi square value=0.741; df=2; p-value: 0.690 (p>0.05); hence statistically not significant.It was observed that majority of the women between the age group of 40-50 years were aware about cataract surgery along with lens could improve their vision. (n=19;44.2%), when compared to other age groups less than or equal to 40 years (n=15;34.9%) and 50 years and above(n=9;20.9%). Pearson’s Chi square value=1.702; df=2; p-value: 0.427 (p>0.05); hence statistically not significant.The study findings suggest the majority of women had heard of cataract, but there is low awareness of its symptoms and treatment, and good eye health-seeking practices observed for cataract. Gaps in awareness observed can be filled up by implementing proper eye health education programs.
Keyword: Aged, Awareness, Cataract, Eye disease,Elderly women.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31838/ijpr/2020.12.02.373
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