Need For Treatment Of Crossbites - A Survey Assessing Both Orthodontist And Layperson Perspectives
Crossbite is a form of malocclusion where a tooth (or teeth) has a more buccal or lingual position (that is, the tooth is either closer to the cheek or to the tongue) than its corresponding antagonist tooth in the upper or lower dental arch. In other words, crossbite is a lateral malalignment of the dental arches. This two part questionnaire survey was undertaken in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The participant groups consisted of one hundred and fifty orthodontic practitioners and eighty seven patients who reported to the department of orthodontics for correction of their malocclusion. Responses were recorded both on online survey platforms and manually; they were further subjected to statistical analysis. The results of this survey indicate that a majority of orthodontic practitioners prefer to treat crossbites in patients with deciduous and early mixed dentition as early as possible to avoid deleterious effects to the maxilla, mandible and adjoining dentofacial structures, both hard and soft tissues. Furthermore a strong association was established between Orthodontist’s and Patient’s need for management of crossbite (P value < 0.035) and between the type of crossbite and the respondent’s (Orthodontists and Patients) perception of treating the same (p value <0.000). The improved patient awareness and specific aesthetic demands of the patients reporting for orthodontic treatment has necessitated early intervention of anterior crossbites
crossbites, malocclusion, patient perception, aesthetics, masticatory efficiency
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