Sex determination by basion-nasospinale length and cranial base length in dry human skull bones - A morphometric study
Sex determination is an important step in biological identification from skeletal remains, especially in forensic circumstances. Many authors suggested that the morphological study was more subjective than the metric. It is well known that the skull provides elements for sex identification. Skulls of children and teenagers show only slightlypronounced qualitative characteristics which provide little information for sex identification. The basion is located at the midpoint on the anterior margin of the foramen magnum. Usually the skull base is preserved than other parts of the skull in a traumatic injury. Thus it acts as a great tool to assist with the estimation of sex for unknown human remains. The aim of the study is to determine sex using Basion-nasospinale length and cranial base length in dry human Sagittal skull bones. The average Basion-nasospinale length of males are found to be 47.642 and the Basion-nasospinale length of females are found to be 48.49. The average Cranial base length of males are found to be 146.65 and the average Cranial base length of females are found to be 144.312. There are not many differences. There is no much correlation by using these parameters of Craniometry in determining sex of the individual. Thus it was concluded that sex of the individual couldn’t be determined using these craniometric parameters.
Sex determination, morphometry, craniometry, sex determination, basion, nasospinale length, cranial base length.
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