Treatment Effects Of Twin Force Bite Corrector - Review
A Class II malocclusion is one of the most common types of malocclusion encountered .It may be dental class II or skeletal class II. The skeletal class II can be due to maxillary prognathism or mandibular retrognathism. The research suggests that mandibular retrognathism is the underlying cause rather than maxillary prognathism. In this respect, mandibular advancement through the use of functional appliances is considered as a popular treatment approach in growing individuals. This review was designed to study the mandibular skeletal and dentoalveolar changes produced by the twin force bite corrector. The review was done based on the articles obtained from various platforms. This review article elaborates about the major favourable effects induced by Twin force bite corrector during the peak puberty growth. Significant increases in mandibular length were observed. The dentoalveolar effect consists of lingual tipping of maxillary incisors and vestibular tipping of lower incisors. Significant decreases in overbite and overjet were observed at the end of treatment with Twin-block.To understand the full significance of this appliance, more research has to be carried out on this field of fixed functional appliances. The viable solutions need to be developed, so that this appliance is fully utilised. A proposed benefit of the Twin force bite corrector appliance is the ability to control vertical development, an increase in total anterior face height was observed.
Twin force bite corrector; skeletal growth; mandibular growth; vertical changes; functional appliances; dentoalveolar effects.
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