Association Between Head Shape and Arch Forms
The aim of the study is to determine whether there is any correlation between the prevalence of various types of head shape and various types of arch forms in the patients reporting to the university. The data collected in this study was from the year 2019 to 2020. Of the 86000 cases, 41335 were new cases which formed the sample size of the study. Various types of head shape and maxillary and mandibular arch forms were collected from the university database and tabulated. Using SPSS Software, descriptive statistics and Chi-Square tests were done to assess the data. From the data obtained on maxillary arch, 94.5% of patients had ovoid arch form, 2.77% had square arch forms, 2.06 % had tapered arch forms. In the mandibular arch, 96.4 % had ovoid arch form and 3.5 % had tapered arch forms. 64.7% of the population had mesocephalic head shape, 33 % had dolichocephalic head shape, 2.09 % had brachycephalic head shape. Chi-Square tests for the determination of association between head shape and arch forms was statistically significant(p=0.000). In the maxillary arch, the majority of the patients had mesocephalic head shape with ovoid arch form, followed by dolichocephalic head shape with ovoid arch form and the least with brachycephalic head shape and tapered arch form. Similarly, in the mandibular arch the majority of the patients had mesocephalic head shape with ovoid arch form, followed by dolichocephalic head shape with tapered arch form. None of the patients in our study had square arch forms in the mandibular arch.
Arch forms; Brachycephalic; Dolichocephalic; Head Shape; Mesocephalic
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