Article Detail
Self-education of medical students as a Factor of their professional development
The article is devoted to the problem of self-education of medical students in English classes with a professional orientation. The purpose of the article is to uncover the pedagogical system for improving the self-educational skills of students of medical universities based on the formation of English-language professional competence. The provisions of the article are based on the methodology outlined in the educational concepts of UNESCO, the Bologna process, WFME, program documents on education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, State standards on medical education, research-theoretical, research, and practice-ascertaining, experimental methods. The pedagogical system of students' self-educational activity in the study of professionally oriented English. The system for diagnosing the level of self-educational skills of future specialists has been substantiated and applied. An improved methodology for teaching English on the basis of a comprehensive combination of pedagogical technologies that highly contribute to the formation of universal educational actions, motivation for learning, the development of self-educational skills of students, and the improvement of the level of foreign professional competence. At the end of the experiment, students of the experimental group showed higher results compared to the control one according to the criteria of self-educational activity and the level of proficiency in English-language professional terminology, communicative and research skills in English.
The self-educational activities of university students as a whole require special attention in the context of the “education through life” paradigm, as well as in connection with the possibility of providing it through many communication channels - scientific and fiction, cinema, television, Internet correspondence, video conferencing, and distance learning courses, various educational Internet programs and technologies, etc. The self-educational activity of students - in particular, medical students - requires guidance from the teacher, which implies his readiness for this activity, the presence of certain organizational abilities, deep psychological and pedagogical knowledge, experience.
self-education, medical students, foreign professional competence, diagnostics, criteria, technologies, pedagogical system
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