Comparative clinical evaluation of post endodontic pain in retreatment cases using calcium hydroxide and triple anti biotic paste an interventional study.
Background: Calcium hydroxide and Triple antibiotic paste is used as an intracanal medicament in patients with re-treatment cases. The ultrasonic activation of the irrigant is done to reduce pain.
Material and Methods: 32 patients will be divided in two groups. Each group will have 16 patients. Gutta percha will be removed, chlorhexidine will be used for irrigation and ultrasonic activation will be done. Calcium hydroxide will be placed in one group as an intracanal medicament and triple antibiotic paste will be placed in the other. A follow up will be in done, after a week. The evaluation of pain will be done using a visual analogue scale. Radiographic examination will also be done. If the patient is asymptomatic, obturation followed by post endodontic restoration will be carried out. The patient will be re called for a follow up after 3 months.
Result: Calcium hydroxide and Triple anti-biotic paste with ultrasonic activation, using chlorhexidine as an irrigation will provide better results to kill the root canal microflora and therefore, decrease the pain of the patient after the retreatment procedure.
Conclusion: Calcium hydroxide and TAP with chlorhexidine as an irrigant has proved to give beneficial results in re treatment cases. Ultrasonic activation has got a lot of attention in recent times. Considerably better results are obtained when ultrasonic activation of the irrigant is done.
Retreatment, calcium hydroxide, triple anti biotic paste,post-endodontic pain.
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