Article Detail
The Association of Cluster of Differentiation 34 Gene (CD34) Polymorphism with Oral Ulceration in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Iraqi Patients
Objectives: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a prototype autoimmune disease with extreme clinical
heterogeneity and significant differences between populations , genetic factors are highly involved in this
disease, ulcerations of the oral cavity in the long setting of SLE have been considered as predictors of systemic
vasculitis and worse prognosis, the aim of this study was investigate cluster of differentiation 34 (CD34) gene
polymorphism among systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients with and without oral ulceration and
control in some Iraqi peoples.
Materials and Methods: Study was took place in Mirjan teaching hospital in Hilla city, Babylon
(Rheumatology unit) during the period from May 2018 till January 2019. All the subjects were from the same
ethnic group (Arabic) and were from the same geographical region. The American College of Rheumatology
(ACR) 1997 criteria of SLE were used for diagnosis by rheumatologist. A total of 53 patients were recruited
for the study and 31 control subjects were recruited for this study, the manufacturer protocol (Geneaid /
Taiwan) was followed for extraction of the DNA from frozen blood samples, Polymerase Chain Reaction and
then single-strand conformational polymorphism was done.
Results: The PCR product of CD34 gene amplification was 608 bp , and 59.5 º C is the best temperature for
target segment amplification. Eight haplotypes were observed in the present study (A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H) for
CD34 gene polymorphism ,with significant difference (p value 0.05)between control and SLE patients at all
haplotypes except at haplotypes (B and C), the association among haplotypes according to oral ulcer
types(single or multiple) was highly significant different (p =0.001) at haplotypes ( B, D, E,G and H) and the
association among haplotypes according to presence of oral ulcer pain was significant in haplotypes (A,C,D,E,G
and H).
Conclusion: this study found that CD34gene polymorphism different between SLE patient and controls.
Related to oral ulceration in SLE most common in haplotypes except F, and there were differences between
haplotypes according to ulcer type and presence of pain, Future prospective longitudinal studies with adequate
sample size are needed in order to ascertain any causation factors or common etiologic pathways and other
oral manifestations.
Oral ulcerations, Systemic lupus erythematosus, Haplotypes, CD34 gene.
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