Prayer Therapy in Islamic Teachings
Prayer therapy has long been prevalent in all religions and human schools, with all divine and human schools
used in such matters as illness and suffering. . But after the Industrial Revolution and the advent of technology
into human life, the effect of prayer therapy became somewhat diminished, to the point that it negated the
effect of prayer on health and physical issues . The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of prayer
therapy in the treatment of physical and mental illnesses in a descriptive and analytical way.
According to the findings of this study, prayer is rooted in the nature of human existence and poverty.
Therefore, by connecting to an unlimited source of divine power, it plays an effective role in the physical and
mental health of human beings. According to Islamic teachings, praying for health and healing, if it is
accompanied by heartfelt faith and attention, will have a positive and practical impact on the health of patients.
Prayer is the basis for healing and affects the physiology of the body, and it also helps prevent disease because
the body and the spirit influence each other. For this reason, the religion of Islam expresses specific and
popular prayers for most of the physical and mental problems. Prayer therapy does not mean, of course, that
one can exclude the cause of the universe through prayer. Rather, everything goes according to its own rules,
and God makes the healing of the sick by praying through the natural laws.
Consequently, according to the teachings of Islam, the value and value of individuals in the presence of God
and the physical and mental health of individuals depend on their prayers. Therefore, prayer therapy can be
used as a low-cost, natural, stress-free, relaxing or individual therapy with other therapies.
Prayer Therapy, Appeal, Intercession, Health, Islamic Holiness Doctrine
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