The prevalence of chronic pyelonephritis in Women with disturbed tolerance for glucose
The relevance of the problem. Chronic pyelonephritis (CP) is a common disease. The prevalence of CP
increases with age . Timely detection and treatment of CP in women is especially important, among which the
frequency of this disease is especially high.
The significance of the problem increases taking into account the negative impact of CP on pregnancy and
childbirth. However, in the postmenopausal period, repeated infections of the urinary tract can be the cause of
the development of CP. [9]. However, the prevalence and incidence of pyelonephritis among men and women
has certain differences [3]. In general, among women, the incidence of CP is higher than among men. In women
of young and middle age, CP occurs 5-6 times more often than in men. This, to some extent, is explained by
the fact that women more often have risk factors for inflammatory diseases of the genitals. Currently, there is
no doubt the important role of diabetes as a risk factor for CP. The role of diabetes as a factor predisposing to
infections is well understood. At the same time, the study of the role of insulin resistance in the formation
andduring CP, as well as the possibility of correcting disorders of carbohydrate metabolismin the treatment of
CP. Since the last decade of the last century, the literature has intensively discussed the pathogenetic
relationship between insulin resistance and some of the main risk factors (RF) of cardiovascular diseases [10].
In this regard, a number of RFs were combined into a symptom complex, called “metabolic syndrome” (MS),
which is based on insulin resistance [8,10]. Treatment of MS involves the correction of levels of all its main
components [4,5]. At the same time, the search for the most optimal treatment methods aimed at the
pathogenetic mechanisms of MS continues [1,8,9].Based on the foregoing, of certain interest is the study of the
role of impaired glucose tolerance (NTG) in the prevalence of CP.
Chronic pyelonephritis (CP), GlucoDr
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